Video Editing

Our professional photographers personally edit your Master Time Lapse Movie in our studio and sequence additional site footage and text as per your request. This quality production can be used in marketing for future tenders, review for workplace improvement, as well as evidence of past constructions in a high definition format

As the end product can be approx 20 minutes of footage per camera, streaming at 25 frames per second, it is our job to shorten this to include only the most relevant sections. We edit to give you 1-2 minutes of optimal viewing, removing days of inactivity, rainy days, and adding more footage from busy and fine days.

We will also deflicker your footage. Due to the changing nature of light in the outdoors, some days can have bright light, whilst others can be cloudy and dull. This creates a flicker in the time lapse that can only be removed in post production. We remove days of flicker and edit to give smooth transitions throughout the sequence. Any inconsistencies in camera position are digitally filtered to reduce shake and give your movie seamless motion throughout.

Remotely Managed Autonomous 3G Smart Camera

Australia Wide Service

Aerial Time Lapse

Creative Concepts and Planning

Online Client Console

Video Editing

Custom Web Coding For Client Website Integration
